Wednesday, August 27, 2008

First flight done and a little back story...

Having just arrived in the Phoenix Arizona airport for a 3 hour layover on my initial trip to Utah, and finished my lunch at the Fox Sports restaurant, I think it is a great time to give this trip a little back story.

As most of you know, I have been married to Wendy for over 7-1/2 years. They have been fine years, but not truly rewarding for either of us. I feel stagnate and unfulfilled in many ways. I don't blame Wendy at all, in fact, she tried harder than most would have to have a successful marriage. It just didn't work. There were many times where we just felt like it was over because we weren't progressing, and other times where we just didn't care enough for each other to do ANYTHING, let alone the little things that are needed in successful relationships. It is because of this that we decided once and for all to get divorced, then separated, then divorced over the past few months. Don't get me wrong either, I think Wendy is an amazing person, no doubt. I don't know ANYONE that knows her that doesn't like her. She is not meant to be with me, or maybe I'm not meant to be with her. It is just the way it is, unfortunately. Wendy has a supportive family and I have no doubt that she will be a stronger gal for all of this. I will always appreciate the time we had.

I need to move on. As some of you know, I have had interest in China for many years. I am interested in the culture, the country, the people, and the main Chinese language, Mandarin. I attempted to learn the language back a few years ago, but life intervened and I stopped the classes. I have wanted to go to China for business, or pleasure as well. The opportunity had never truly presented itself.

Until now....

When Wendy and I made the decision, I was in the process of starting a home technology consulting business. There was a change and a window of opportunity. I made some contacts and spoke with some people who had taight English in China and felt that if I could find a job, it would be a great opportunity that I couldn't pass up. So, I contacted some schools and recruiters in China and filtered through the garbage (plenty of that in the industry) and found Aston English schools ( They are a well respected school consisting of around 40 English language schools around China. I spoke with their North American recruiter, who was in Jersey, and we felt there could be a match. They pay competitive wages and for a place to live. I will also receive Mandarin Chinese language classes for free. I chose them and they chose me to work in their Xianyang location (

The next processes needed to happen QUICK! I needed a Passport, Work Visa (difficult to get at this time), and get my things situated around home.

Unbelievably, It all happened!

It wasn't without some crazy trials though. Obviously, I was getting divorced, so there was stress and stuff associated with that. I was taking Teaching English as a Forign Language certificate classes..

And I sold my beloved Nissan Titan, then the very next day, I totaled the Camry, severely spraining my wrist in the process.


Anyway, I am happy to have this opportunity, crazy as it seems. I appreciate the support I have received in abundance over the last little while from family and friends. I have felt appreciated and genuine care from others.

So, I'm just sitting here waiting for my flight to Utah for a QUICK few days with my family and hopefully see some friends.

I will be in China in a few days and am getting very excited, and slightly nervous, but mostily excited. I can't wait to get in fromt of my first class and start talking.

Thanks again.


Unknown said...

Thanks for the nice things you said in here about me, Adam. I think it explains our situation well. I look foward to reading about your experiences in Chine. Good luck on your flight tomorrow.

robnchris96 said...

Hey Bro!!
Where is your next post??? You are in China......right????